Friday, August 24, 2012

Nothing to be Proud Of

Sometimes I get caught up in my pride. Hopefully you have never struggled with it. It's kind of weird how pride works. My pride usually hits me on things that if I was honest with myself, I don't really have a reason to be proud of. My struggles here lately have been how smart my daughter is, how adorable my son is, how cute my car is. I have even been prideful about weird things, like I gave up my iPhone and some cable channels to save money. How strange is it to be proud of giving things up? I haven't worked hard and lost 50 lbs, I haven't given the money I saved to the poor, I haven't been reading my Bible and studying like I want to. Pride can be blinding and make you over look the important things in life that truly matter. In the book of James it says, "God opposed the proud but shows favor to the humble." (James 4:6) Opposed by God doesn't sound so great in my book. So in truth, I'll look for ways to see God's hand in my life more and stop thinking of myself as I seek to serve Him with a humble heart.

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