Sunday, December 12, 2010

Blessed by her best

As Christmas fastly approches, we are starting to have a string of parties to run to and fro! Lots of money is spent on the gifts, wrapping, cards and snacks. Don't forget the new outfit you have to have and whatever else that must be bought for all the events that are going on. At a party here a while back that I was excited to go to, I was knocked flat on my prideful backside.
We had an present exchange and I was so proud of my gift! I try and only bring gifts that I would like to take home so that even if I end up with what I brought I leave happy. During this exchange I noticed a bag and thought to myself, "Yikes, I hope I don't end up with that one!" Well, you guessed it, I got that one. I opened my gift and as I pulled it out of the bag my thoughts were confirmed, it was not the gift I had hoped. I put it back into the bag as everyone chattered and showed off their gifts. My thoughts grumbled and I left as the party was dismissing. I called Hubby and checked on Big and Little and told him about my gift.
The more I thought about my gift I realized there is a lesson I hadn't thought about. I pulled it out again and gazed at it. What if this was was the best they could bring? What if this was her widow's mite? She may not have had the money to get something else for another party, but like me, hates to miss spending time in fellowship with friends and family. Now, my gift is looked at as a blessing for reminding me that bringing our best is all we have to do and the Lord rejoices in us and our gift. May your party season be blessed as mine has already been!

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